Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rainbows in the Van

Right now, there is a LOT going on here. It's easy to get caught up in everything and let the stress rob me of my joy (even though I'm praying and trying not to let it, of course). One thing I've been trying to do is just focus on each moment and not think about all the worries, questions, tasks, etc. Whenever I focus on the kids around me, I can forget about all the other things at least for the moment. Today in the van was a perfect example...

As we were driving around picking kids up for Club, a few little boys were sitting up front. When the van was facing certain directions, it would catch the sun and act as a prism making "rainbows" appear on the floor of the van. "Un arco iris!" Saul shouted when it appeared, and each time it reappeared, he would gleefully announce it again and giggle to himself. Then, he would try to put his hand there and say how there was a rainbow on his hand now, too. As I laughed along with Saul and the other boys, I loved watching their sheer joy and excitement over such a small, simple thing, and I was filled with joy too in that moment. Thanks Lord for moments like these...


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